Why does a business need a mobile app

The digital era offers businesses various options for communicating with their target audience — websites, phone apps, social networks, and marketplaces. Companies that want to work efficiently, be in the customers’ sights. And remain useful to them should pay attention to mobile app.

Russians spend about 4 hours a day on their smartphones. Scrolling through social media feeds, checking news, playing games, chatting in messengers, or watching YouTube. 111 million people use the mobile Internet — 76% of the entire population interact with mobile app directly. Sometimes aimlessly, for example, if there is no need to buy something now, but you want to spend money to please yourself.

Mobile App
Mobile App

What does a mobile app give to a business

A mobile app is a way to stand out from the competition. A business that promotes itself via the Internet positions itself as modern and convenient. This sets it apart from companies that use leaflets or banner ads. “Traditional” methods do not allow you to communicate with potential clients as often and productively, and the application reminds you of itself regularly.

Mobile applications make it possible to create various bonus programs that increase brand loyalty. Instead, it is faster, more environmentally friendly, and impossible to lose an electronic card. A smartphone with an application is more often in the hands of a client than a cardholde. So it is more difficult to forget to present an electronic card at the checkout.

An app design Dubai company with a mobile application shows clients that it is moving with the times, takes into account digital trends and cares about its image.
It is easier to notify the target audience that uses the application on the phone about important events and company news. It is also easier to introduce brand values, talk about the mission and build trust in the application.
People using the application are the first to know about the latest promotions and sales. For example, discounts, loyalty programs and bonus systems – all this is one click away from the client. So it is important to think through and adapt marketing offers to mobile application users.

What Mobile App tools increase user engagement

Creating an application is the work of developers, managers, testers, analysts and designers. And filling it with content and thinking through a strategy is the task of marketers. Since the application itself does not increase sales or bring in new customers. It must include tools for analysis, promotion, and increasing engagement.

In fact, the main functionality that will be useful for any mobile application is as follows. Contact app developers in dubai.

Mobile App Loyalty program

A system of discounts and bonuses is useful not only for e-commerce applications. But also for any business that sells a service or product. Programs are aimed at retaining regular customers. However, repeat visits from those who are working with the business for the first time. App development companies in dubai can help you.

Clear interface and thoughtful design

The interface of a mobile application is responsible for ease of use. Thoughtful UI/UX design, which is based on the features of the user path, allows you to reach the target action faster and easier. And therefore solves business problems more effectively. The interface should be intuitive, and the user’s problem should be solved in a minimum number of clicks. In complex applications that cannot be simplified. You can run a short tutorial on the main functions before using them.

Mobile App Gamification

In the digital world, it is important not only to solve the client’s problem, but also to do it in an interesting way. This is possible by simulating a game in the application: creating a character, completing tasks, accruing virtual bonuses that are converted into real discounts. Game mechanics bring more pleasure, thanks to them the user returns to the application more often.

Push notifications

Pop-up notifications are one of the channels of communication with the client. They allow you to tell about important things even before opening the application, broadcast the tone of voice of the company. It is important not to overdo it with the number of notifications. Choose the right time for notifications and write a working text. Besides, thanks to which you will want to know the details. Then pushes will bring only positive emotions to clients.

By Sage